On reception.

Acquire. Weigh up. Decide.
Insight into the mountain books and maps of other mountaineers.

Lead climbing or would you rather take a tried and tested route? We think so: It's all in the mix. After all, hardly any other area is developing as rapidly as IT. Looking beyond the garden fence can therefore be very valuable in order to save your own resources. We therefore regularly present examples of success from SMEs. To keep you up to date and perhaps inspire you.


News category


Digital Mindset – auf der Überholspur dank digitaler Offenheit
Blog post

Digital mindset - in the fast lane thanks to digital openness

Having your own app has never brought any company world domination. No, it takes much more - and a change in attitude towards a digital mindset.

Eine zukunftsfähige IT-Bebauung
Blog post

A future-proof IT development

It should be stable, secure, scalable, successful and useful - modern IT development. But what does that actually mean and what does a practicable development plan look like? We have specific tips from our wealth of experience for your IT development. Find out more.

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Gesellschaftsbrauerei Viechtach GmbH – Markus Grüsser
Customer testimonial

"Passion4IT supports us strategically and operationally with the challenges of digitalization in all areas of the brewery."

Markus Grüsser
Managing Director
Company brewery Viechtach GmbH
Greifen Sie zur Taschenlampe – der Blick in die Schatten-IT
Blog post

Reach for the flashlight - a look into the shadow IT

For once, we are not looking at shadow IT as a threatening entity. Instead, we pick up a flashlight and shine a light on the unknown phenomenon.

Weissman & Cie. GmbH & Co. KG – Moritz Weissman
Case Study

"Working with Passion4IT is characterized by absolute integrity and openness. This helps us to keep a cool head during projects. Of course, this also makes the collaboration a lot of fun."

Moritz Weissman
Managing Partner
Weissman & Cie. GmbH & Co. KG
Megatrends der Digitalisierung
Blog post

Megatrends of digitalization

It is not always easy to grasp the full complexity of digitalization. Who knows, maybe in just a few months we will be living with a ground-breaking innovation that hardly anyone had on their radar before.

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Microsoft und die DSVGO
Blog post

Microsoft and the GDPR

For many companies, the decision to use Microsoft 365 is characterized by various uncertainties. The good news: Microsoft Office 365 can be used in compliance with the GDPR with technical, organizational and contractual measures.

Cloud als Game Changer
Blog post

Cloud as a game changer

How much cloud is allowed? What do on-premises, public, SaaS or PaaS actually mean? We guide you through the jungle of terminology and give you tips for making the right cloud choice.

Joinventure GmbH & Co.KG. – Stefan Allmeier
Customer testimonial

"With PASSION4IT, we had a competent and fast-acting partner at our side for the concept and implementation of our digitalization initiative. Initial test runs at our premises and at the customer's resulted in clear feedback: enthusiasm!"

Stefan Allmeier
Joinventure GmbH & Co KG.

What ascent lies ahead of you?

Arrange a free strategy meeting with our experts and get an idea of the route ahead of you based on specific recommendations and real-life application examples.