On reception.

Acquire. Weigh up. Decide.
Insight into the mountain books and maps of other mountaineers.

Lead climbing or would you rather take a tried and tested route? We think so: It's all in the mix. After all, hardly any other area is developing as rapidly as IT. Looking beyond the garden fence can therefore be very valuable in order to save your own resources. We therefore regularly present examples of success from SMEs. To keep you up to date and perhaps inspire you.


News category


Blog post

Knowledge management

Intelligent knowledge management and a modern knowledge culture - these are the areas that should become active components of business processes.

Der smarte Software Auswahlprozess
Blog post

The smart software selection process

How do SMEs manage to master their own personal journey into the digitalized future and keep pace with new developments?

Digitalisierungsstrategie – digitale Herausforderungen zukunftsorientiert meistern
Blog post

Digitization strategy - mastering digital challenges in a future-oriented manner

Data about data, technology gaps and time-consuming IT processes - the desire for efficient processes, innovative strength and increased sales drives many companies.

Sesotec GmbH – Friedrich Kroiss
Customer testimonial

"Mr. Kirsch was able to make a significant contribution to the success of our project thanks to his many years of experience and his in-depth specialist knowledge."

Friedrich Kroiss
IT Manager
Sesotec GmbH
SIGEL GmbH – Alexander Rettinger
Customer testimonial

"In our collaboration, I am particularly impressed by the broad professional expertise, the pragmatic approach and open communication at all levels."

Alexander Rettinger
Commercial Manager
Die Rolle der IT Abteilung im Wandel
Blog post

The changing role of the IT department

The role of IT is (once again) at a crossroads on the threshold of the third decade of this millennium. Old patterns of action and thinking are only of limited help, as all the framework conditions have changed.

Alexander Maintok & ITSMedia GmbH
Customer testimonial

""Tangible added value" is not just a slogan for Passion4IT, but reflects measurable success with the customer."

Alexander Maintok
Managing Director
ITSMedia GmbH
Pentos AG – Nikolaus Krasser
Customer testimonial

"Mr. Kirsch is a competent, reliable project manager who quickly recognizes and solves both technical and procedural challenges."

Dr. Nikolaus Krasser
Management Board
Pentos AG
BarthHaas GmbH & Co. KG – Thomas Raiser
Case Study

"The cooperation with Passion4IT is characterized by strong competence in the IT area on a sympathetic and human level. This was an important factor in the success of our project."

Thomas Raiser
Managing Director
BarthHaas GmbH & Co. KG

What ascent lies ahead of you?

Arrange a free strategy meeting with our experts and get an idea of the route ahead of you based on specific recommendations and real-life application examples.